I'm sick and tired of my childhood friend's, now girlfriend, constant abuse so I broke up with her Chapter 14: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Chapter 14: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Link to Original Chapter: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n0844gb/14/

Hanabi seems to have given up trying to escape as I chase her to a fence that surrounds empty land. She's cornered and I have both hands on her. She has no hopes of escape.


Why are her cheeks so red, was she running that hard? Well, that doesn't matter. First off...

"Cut your bullshit "I'm not lying, I thought it was obvious what I was doing” act.”

Even as a kid, Hanabi was a pathological liar. She would always lie to  adults to get her way. Even now, she's playing the part as the sweet honor's student. But I've always been beside her so I know her, I can't be tricked so easily.

With a sigh, Hanabi dons a wide, cute smile. I can see her canine tooth. It's only with me that Hanabi smiles like this.

"Well, you are my childhood friend after all. You would know everything about me."

There are hints to your true nature everywhere, it isn't that hard to figure out.

"Were you trying to deceive me in the first place?"

"Well, I didn't think I would be found out. Well, now that I'm found, there's no point in hiding anymore."

"What the hell are you trying to accomplish here? Did you make Daidouji-san lie about who was bullying her?"

"Make her? No, no, I was only giving her some advice on her worries. She always thought her classmates looked down on her. Kind of like looking at the sun for too long, she was starting to get annoyed. All I did was give her that final push, teehee."

I recall Erika Daidouji's words at the karaoke place that day.

"Seems like it was a big success. Daidouji-san really is reveling in joy now that the outdoor classroom is cancelled."

"Do you even know Daidouji-san?"

"No, no, I was looking for the perfect opportunity to crush your class. I lured her right in my sweet caress."

Hanabi outright manipulated Erika Daidouji when she was most vulnerable. I really am tired of her smile and words. Down to her every single action, Hanabi is a psychopath.

"So how did I do Senpai? Did I meet your expectations?"

It was pretty much what I expected. I furrow my eyebrows. I am done with her bullshit.

"Remember what I told you Senpai? 'Don't ever forget', because I never will. You surround yourself with all those boring guys in your class. Then, you start getting close with that glasses girl who sits besides you and you completely spoil her all the time. I don't remember you ever doing that with me!”

She really has gone off the rails. So that figure that night at the karaoke place was her. She really is a stalker, but that's Hanabi.

Hanabi was thrown to the bottom and now all her craziness is because she wants to get back at me. But the plan hasn't changed, especially now that I know Hanabi is involved. There's no way to get Hanabi to confess, but if we can somehow persuade Erika Daidouji, we might have a chance. It was Daidouji who started all of this in the first place.

I take my hands off the fence and Hanabi pouts at me.

"Huh? You're done already Senpai? At least we can go home together. We can talk even more. I'll make sure to be obedient."

"You think I'd want to talk to you? I only chased you to get answers from you, not for some small talk. I have to settle things with my class."

"You don’t want to come back to me...?"

Hanabi’s gaze falters. What the hell is playing at? There is one thing I know for a fact. Hanabi caused this incident and hurt Yukishiro-san in the process. How the hell can I ever forgive her!?

But getting angry at her will only make her happy, I'm sure she’ll eat it up. Therefore, there is only one thing I can say.

"I don’t need you in my life anymore."

I stare at her coldly and I see her flinch and retreat back.


"Make some new friends, why don't you? Hey, maybe they'll be like me."

"You really want to throw away our history together, just like that?"

I can see tears welling up in her eyes. But her tears are different from Yukishiro-san's. I feel no emotion looking at Hanabi's. They are always crocodile tears anyways. ______ Translator's Note: Double release whee! This is a short chapter anyways, so it was easy to translate.

Volume 1

Chapter 13

Chapter 15


  1. Hanabi is like a cancer that keeps coming back,what's it going to take to get her to stop ? Move three states away and change his name ?

    1. What do you think about the other side of the world?
      Sounds better to me!

    2. the same way you use radiation to kill cancer

  2. Thanks for the unexpected treat. Seriously fuck off hanabi. Why not make like your name and fucking blow up.

  3. hmm. If he goes back now she'll be obedient for a little while before going back to her old routine.... ye just shatter her completely. Although then you have a problematic yandere at that point.... and to a standard yandere, going as far as confinement is normal.
    hmmmm.... yep MC might have to take one for the team at some point

  4. Thanks a lot.

    What history? Of constant abuse?
    Of course he misses that, he's a total "m"!

  5. I didn't knew yandere are this dangerous...

  6. I used to thought that yanderes are better than tsunderes but after I started reading manga and light novels about yanderes, I realised how much of a fool I was for thinking that yanderes are better than tsunderes

  7. She digging herself up, hoping someone will fall into her hole, and forgets to bring a ladder only to find out she is way deep down, to those people who are like Hanabi focus on yourself don't be like her.


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