I'm sick and tired of my childhood friend's, now girlfriend, constant abuse so I broke up with her Chapter 20: With Every Ounce of my Soul, I Detest You

Chapter 20: With Every Ounce of my Soul, I Detest You

Link to Original Chapter: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n0844gb/20/

With every ounce of my soul, I detest you As we continue our long talk, we notice the crimson of the setting sun shining upon us. Lately, the days have been getting longer. It must be really late now.

"Let's go home."

Yukishiro-san reluctantly agrees to my suggestion, her eyes seeming more lonely than ever. Her expression right now...

"Hey Ichinose-kun. before we go... can we exchange SNS info first?"

Hearing Yukishiro-san say that surprises me. Outside of the fact that I pretended to be Hanabi to talk to Daidouji, the only person I have on here is Hanabi herself, who I have blocked. Since then, my phone has not rang even once.

"Ichinose-kun, something wrong?"

"Ah, sorry. I'm not really familiar with SNS, so I don't have anyone on there."

"Oh, if you don't want to exchange it, that's fine..."

"N-no, that's not what I meant. It would be great if we could contact each other at any time."

This situation is honestly a bit embarrassing. Even Yukishiro-san is giving me a sheepish smile...

"Do you mind if I contact you even if there's nothing to talk about?"

"Y-yeah that's fine."


She shouts with joy. It's times like this where she does seem like an innocent child. It really makes my heart race. While I always thought of her as cute, I think the emotions within me right now are a bit different.

Afterwards, I walk Yukishiro-san back to her house and I head back to my house. At the nearby park, I see Hanabi waiting yet again, as if she's preparing an ambush. What's her fucking deal, wanting to follow me all the damn time? She's like a stalker. I ignore her outright and continue walking.

"Souma-senpai, seems like you really are my guardian angel."

The hell?

"You didn't talk about me during the whole Daidouji investigation. I'm so thankful, this must be proof of Senpai's undying love for me. Though I do think it was a bit overkill."

My undying love...!?

"You really are a tsundere, Senpai. You said you wanted to break up, but here we are. You don't know your position and ended up fighting a losing fight. It's alright, I forgive you."

I can only glare at her with piercing eyes. I love her? Give me a fucking break. No way in fucking hell. I can't really ignore her anymore because she'll just keep growing more cocky and pushy.

"Come on Senpai, let's put this silly fight to an end. Let's make up and kis-"

"You know, I really fucking hate you."


"Protecting you? Don't make me laugh, I didn't mention you because I didn't want to be reminded of you again."

"S-senpai, just what are you saying..."

Hanabi stares at me with confused eyes as she clings onto my arm. Her fingers feel so weird, so I shake them off.

"Senpai... hates... me...?"

Hanabi looks down at the fingers I had shaken off as she slowly monologues to herself. Does she finally get the message?

I leave her and continue walking back to my house. How many times have I shaken her off now? I open the door and immediately close it. I watch the window until she disappears. Only then can I breathe a sigh of relief.

"For fuck sake's, I love Hanabi...?"

I have no idea how she got that idea in her head. Does Hanabi think she has done anything that would make me change my mind?

Well, there is nothing. Her efforts are futile. Even then, she can't even process that fact that we broke up.

"She really is mental, thinking I would still love her after all of this..."

Seeing her face to face, she completely denies that fact, so it's not like she misunderstands me. But her face when I told her I hate her...

Maybe now she will understand...

"I hope she finally learns her lesson and never shows her face again."

After all of that, I head up to my room. I hear my phone ring.

Translator's Note: Hanabi is fucking crazy.

Volume 1

Chapter 19

Chapter 21


  1. Lol wut if the one calling is hanabi using yuki-chan's phone?

  2. And that is how you make a *yandere*

  3. i hope this doesn't become like school days. Just a thought

    1. Why the fuck you you bring up that trauma........

    2. The mc in the School Days was an utter scum and useless degenerate trash. This mc is much better

    3. lol that's just the anime, the manga is much better, and other endings in the game too.

  4. Thanks a lot!

    She's mental. He should stay alert and watch over Yukishiro.

  5. Mate, is the "With every ounce of my soul, I detest you As we continue our long talk..." at the start an error?

    >You really are a tsundere, Senpai
    Hanabi knows what a tsundere is??? Maybe she got influenced by something like Tora Dora or Oreimo then took it to the extreme which isn't a good thing.

  6. Shouldn’t he just put a restraining order on her?

  7. run to the bunker, shes bringing kerosene and a match!

  8. at first i thought this is unrealistic but then i remember amber turd happen lmao.

  9. God!!! Hanabi is sick and I am sure she will pull something off.


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