I'm sick and tired of my childhood friend's, now girlfriend, constant abuse so I broke up with her Chapter 5: Don't Ever Forget

Chapter 5: Don't Ever Forget

Link to Original Chapter: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n0844gb/5/

"Sen! Pai!"

Leaning on a wall, with the overhead street light illuminating her, she gets off the wall and walks towards me with an exaggerated gait. She has a foul smile on her face.

"You're late, I hope you know that. Don't say that you were just dropped by, you probably forgot didn't yo- Hey! Don't me ignore, come back here."

She runs in front of me and sticks her arms out, not letting me escape. For fuck's sake...


"So?!? You kept me waiting here for hours!"

Hanabi always has a demanding tone, she always has an attitude of wanting everyone to serve. Likewise, I always played the part of the servant, chaining myself to this single mindset.

Today is where it'll all end. It's her own fault for waiting here anyways, I'm sick and tired of Hanabi. She keeps on stalking me even after all of this. What's her reason? "I love you, so I want to get back together". Utter bullshit.

I still remember her words, "You're completely hopeless by yourself, that why you need someone like me to help you all the time." How ironic, as she treated me as a punching bag without fail, causing me to lose my self-dignity. Why did I let myself continue to be a servant for her every need? At this point, the only thing we can do is go our separate paths. I let out a sigh as this whole situation is so tiring to deal with.

"Get the way out of ears so you can hear me this time: We're just strangers to each other; you're being a fucking nuisance to me!"

"Tss... Is that so? So you really do mean it."

While her mouth is still positioned in a smile, her eyes are glaring at me with the utmost contempt.

"I'm glad you heard for once."

"If I leave you, you won't be able to live anymore!"

"Ha, it's more like the reverse, isn't it?."

"You really are pathetic, for the whole day you were resting on your laurels. You don't understand your position do you? You think just because a bunch of lowlifes start sucking up to you, that makes you Mr. Popular? Yeah right. Remember, how will you even survive without me? No one else is going to help you. Don't you see, senpai?"

Today, lots of my classmates talked me. Most of them will stop after a while. I don't blame them since I can sort of see where Hanabi is coming from. But ever since I was a kid, Hanabi has always been drilling a sense of worthlessness into me. Sometimes to nice to receive praise once in a while. Today was my first time experiencing this.

Little by little, it's possible that this could build over time and I could form proper relationships. I want to build these by myself, not having someone like Hanabi watching me like a hawk and choosing what I can and can't do.

"You're dysfunctional senpai. You need someone to guide you 24/7. You can't read the room at all, but I'm fine with that. If you apologize now, I'll forgive you. I'm used to everything about you already. So if you sincerely apologize, everything will be fine."

"No way in hell. No particle in my body would want forgiveness from you."

"So that's how you want to play..."

"Listen to yourself. Can't you realize how controlling you are. I'm not yours at all."

Hanabi opens her eyes to the point of straining them. Then, she mouth contort to an uncomfortable smile, her lips have a spasm of its own.

"Ahahahaha!!!! You reeeeally are ANNOYING... such a piece of shit, go show off for all I care."

"Finally, that settles things. We can finally let this stupid relationship die."


Hanabi plays with her hair, messing it all up while scowling at me.

"And that's the end of that."

"You're making fun of me, aren't you? I'll make sure you'll pay. Don't ever forget that senpai."

Passing by her in the hall during lunch really was a humiliation for her. And here, I leave her again, the whole atmosphere eerily tense. I don't dare look back.

Hanabi's words flash in my mind, "Don't ever forget". It instantly disappears from my mind. Nothing worth worrying over. As it stands now, not having Hanabi constantly hanging over me will be great. ______ Translator's Notes: Yikes, seems like Hanabi is turning a bit... crazy. This chapter was pretty fun to translate with all the crazy, tense dialogue. Thanks to everyone who keeps on reading, I love reading all your comments <3

Volume 1

Chapter 4

Chapter 6


  1. I can feel the aura of Yandere..

  2. Thanks a bunch.
    Good riddance.
    Whatever reason she may have, she is a bitch.

    1. No problem!

      And yeah, she definitely is a bitch.

  3. Thank for the translation.

    I think she's just Yan not dere at all since there's not a bit of affectionate in her relationship with MC.

    I am not sure what BS she will pull it the future, but it might be dangerous. Especially when it comes to a manipulating person like that.

    1. No problem!

      I can feel something coming up too, she's very dangerous and she could do... anything at this point.

    2. I think she will mess with the relationship between MC and his new friends. The problem is even if MC tell others about her personality, it's hard for them to believe it due to her disguise. So maybe she will play the victim?

      I am also interested in why she behaves like that with MC. I hope the author could give us some decent reason.

  4. At this point I think I wouldn't be able to tolerate her BS excuse why she's like that IF she reveals herself as a yanDERE.
    She must act like a YAN (to outsiders) and DERE (towards him), if I even want to consider her a yandere.

    1. Yeah, I wonder what he excuse for acting like that will be.

  5. Dang, this story has definitely been triggering my fight or flight response. That chick freaks me out, and I'm quite nervous to see what lengths she goes to get back at him. I've seen some pretty ugly ends to this kind of situation irl.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    1. No problem!

      She is starting to get pretty damn scary, yeah. She could snap even more at any moment.

  6. Ah let's pray to the Yandere Goddess, Yuno Gasai, so that girl DOESNT KILL THE MC FOR FRICKIN; SAKE!

    1. Hopefully that won't happen lol.

    2. Keep in mind even Yuno didn't kill Yuki, confinement at best, but she loved him so much she killed herself rather than him, and turned her life into a tragic yet very moving tale(as seen by the result of the Muru Muru that was following her). For a Yandere that would kill the MC, a more accurate one to look to would be that girl (Sekai or something?) from the School Days manga.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The threat finally came, and there is no doubt that this madgirl will do very dangerous things... Although I wonder, why does she act like that with him? a sadidist yandere with superiority complex? I wonder what the story will be about the two of them from her perspective...
    Thanks for the chapter!

    1. Thanks!

      It would be interesting to see the story from her perspective. Knowing her thoughts would help clear things up, but I have faith in the author for now.

  9. Thanks for teh chapters, I hope for more to come.

    Nicely done with the translations, if you need someone to help with the editing, the Wuhan Virus has given me plenty of free time XD.
    Also, why is chap 5 posted twice on novelupdates?

    1. Thanks!

      If I need any help, I'll keep you in mind.

      In regards to chapter 5 showing up twice, I saw that too and frankly I have no idea.

  10. Bro can I Translate your Translation to other language?
    If u give permission.

  11. Thanks you bunch dude..
    Ah I hope the MC be more aware of this Bitch

  12. If i am being honest someone who has been abused for years would never suddenly have this much confidence against their abuser.

  13. Let me guess, she will start bad rumors about him, this kind of person is very predictable, and worst are those who believe whatever bullshit is spilling instead of using their brain
    No wonder why there are kings and there are followers.


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