Forever and Always, My Childhood Friend is the Cutest Girl in the World Chapter 59: I had a hunch

 Chapter 59: I had a hunch

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"Did you perhaps give Syrup your umbrella that time, Rin?" 

Tohru-kun's question was clear as day even within the hubbub of McDonalds. I have no idea what his aim is from that question. I can only blink my eyes in surprise. 

"Ah, no, well..." 

Tohru-kun is scratching his head with the back of his hand and he's averting his gaze. It seems he doesn't know himself why he asked that. 

"Hold on a moment. Let me collect myself." 

With his hand on head, Tohru-kun starts letting out some grunts. I don't even know what I'm doing, but I find myself putting my hand on his wrist as I make a suggestion. 

"Anyways, how about we go buy the drinks together." 


"We might be getting thirsty." 

"Oh, okay then." 

We leave our seats and go to place out orders. It's getting close to the dinner time rush hour, as the crowd of people waiting to place their orders has increased. We slip into the back of the line, as we begin our Q and A. 

"How did you know?" 

With a shock, Tohru-kun glances at me. 

"Huh!? Then that umbrella really was yours, Rin?" 

"You're the one who asked, why are you surprised?" 

I should be the one that's surprised. How did he figure it out? I stare at Tohru-kun, waiting for him to answer. 

"Your pouch and wallet." 


"It's the same color as your umbrella." 

A scene flashes in my head. The umbrella I used, the pouch and wallet I bought today. They're all the same pastel pink. 

"So is that all?" 

"Pretty crazy, huh?" 

Tohru-kun shrugs his shoulders. 

"And after, well... It's hard to put into words but talking with you at the cat cafe, something just came down on me." 

Tohru-kun looks at me as he starts talking again. 

"I don't know, I just had a hunch." 

Oh, I get it now. I've come to a strange understanding. 

"I just had a hunch." 

On the surface, it may seem like a completely random thought, but in all actuality, it's a profound feeling that is deep within the subconscious. It takes time to work out a proper conclusion. I should know, because it happens to me. 

Even without words, I find myself wondering what Tohru-kun is feeling. And I find myself having a hunch too. I'm sure deep down, our hearts our connected, making us understand each other better. We've been together for so long, so this kind of feeling is natural. As I think that, my chest gradually starts to feel all warm and fuzzy, as if I'm taking in a deep breath. 

"My dad has a cat allergy, you know." 

Even now, it feels just like yesterday. 

"Back then, I gave Syrup an umbrella." 

I remember the helplessness and melancholy I felt as a kid. 

"I returned, but I couldn't just leave Syrup there... so I came back to pick him up." 

All I wanted to do was save that small life. 

"And then, you were there." 

The rain suddenly cleared up, like it was bringing in hope. Even now, I still remember that. 

"You were watching?" 

Tohru-kun lightly scratches his face as I nod, smiling from the bottom of my heart. 


That's the first time I told him that. It's not like I was trying to hide, it just never really came up. I guess I wanted to keep that as my little secret. There was no rhyme or reason to that, I just wanted to keep that precious memory stowed away in my heart. And Tohru-kun found that treasure with the clues he was given. My chest was feeling all fuzzy. There was no way I could control that. 

"What do you want to drink?" 


Before I know it, we're next in line to be served. 

"Umm, I'll have oolong tea." 


"Ah, I'll pay." 

"It's fine, Rin." 

"No, come on." 

“Hold on." 

This is his unwavering will. I feel Tohru-kun's palm on top of my hand. 

"This is my thanks for all those 10 years." 

Thanks, huh. Tohru-kun starts placing his order with the employee. 

"Thank you." 

"No problem." 

We return to our seats and I put a straw in my mouth. I feel quite fidgety for some reason. 

"Even now, I remember." 

Tohru-kun starts talking unprompted. 

"That day... when I first held Syrup, he was shivering and was super cold." 

Tohru-kun isn't lying at all. With that, the ice in Tohru-kun's cup starts to shake. 

"I went to the vet and they said if I rescued him any later, there was a high chance he would have died." 


I didn't know that at all. Even though it was 10 years ago, I still feel myself shivering. 

"Then you quite literally were his saviour, Tohru-kun." 

"No, you were his saviour, Rin." 


I don't really understand what he's getting at, as my blinking causes my field of vision to flutter. 

"If you didn't give Syrup your umbrella when you did... it might have been too late." 

Tohru-kun looks right at me as he continues. 

"Thank you." 

In those words, he gives me his pure and genuine gratitude. 

"That's what I mean by my thanks for the 10 years." 

"You really think that's enough?" 

I let out a sarcastic smile for a moment, but Tohru-kun continues gazing at me as he keeps on talking. 

"That's why from now, I'll make sure to repay you for everything you’ve done." 

"From now on, we'll be together." 

Interlaced in his words is a double meaning, also implying that. This might just be a hunch, but I have a feeling what he said is proof of it. I feel Tohru-kun's warmth on my hand. 

"You shouldn't surprise attack me like that." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Oh, come on." 

With my free hand, I reach for the paper cup. I feel the much colder temperature of the oolong tea on my fingers. 

"But really, it is a miracle if you think about it." 

"What do you mean?" 

"This is all hypothetical, but let's say Syrup wasn't there that day. That means we... might have never crossed paths." 

He says that so nonchalantly, but the impact of those words blows me back. I try to imagine it in my head. What if Syrup wasn't there that day? Then meeting Tohru-kun, going out with Tohru-kun and even eating here at McDonalds, they would never have happened. 

Thinking about that, I can feel a cold breeze blowing over my chest. What is this feeling? It feels so... painful. 



"Are you okay, you're staring into space?" 

"Oh, uhh... it's nothing." 

I put my straw in my mouth, trying to deceive Tohru-kun. As oolong tea soothes my parched throat, I feel more spacious as if I'm putting on large pajamas. 

But inside, I still feel that wind blowing against me. More than the rain that day and the tea I'm drinking, that wind is ever so frigid.


Translator’s Note: A chapter from Rin’s perceptive, pretty refreshing to see that. 

Chapter 58

Chapter 60


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