I'm sick and tired of my childhood friend's, now girlfriend, constant abuse so I broke up with her Chapter 17: Thank you, my Saviour

Chapter 17: Thank you, my Saviour

Link to Original Chapter: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n0844gb/17/

Erika Daidouji arrived just before homeroom started, so before anyone could talk to her, the teacher arrived as well and everyone was forced to go back to their seats. After the teacher took attendance, she gave Yukishiro-san a weary glance.

"Yukishiro-san, Daidouji-san is here today, so I think now would be an appropriate time to apologize to her."


Yukishiro-san seems shocked and the teacher gives her a confused look.

"Didn't you say you were going to apologize to Daidouji-san today during homeroom?"


"Hold on a moment."

I interrupt and the whole class looks at me; however, Daidouji's attention is the only one I care about.

"Daidouji-san, I want to hear you say it one last time. Being bullied by Yukishrio-san, that's not a lie, yeah?"


Before Daidouji could get an admission of guilt from Yukishiro-san, my words seem to have put a halt to her plans as she puts on quite the interesting face and her complexion becomes ghastly white.

"What the hell are you saying!? Of course Yukishiro-san was the one who bullied her, let her apologize to me!!!!"

Daidouji curls her lips as she belts that from the bottom of her lungs. Seems like I can't get her to acknowledge her lies this way. Oh well, time to move onto the next step.

"Alright then. After taking a look at this, will you still be able to stand your ground with this evidence?"


I stand up from my desk and hand out screencaps from yesterday's skype messages with Daidouji. I make sure to give one to Daidouji too. Her eyes open up in shock upon seeing the paper.

"Aaa... Aaaaaaaa...."

I hear the high pitched wails of Daidouji, but it's too late. Our class is in an uproar.

"Are you... kidding me?"

"These are skype chats... is erikachi Daidouji-san?"

"Holy shit, if what's written here is true..."

"Daidouji-san was lying about Yukishiro-san all along!"

"Hold up, what does this all mean?"

"N-no, not like this..."

I hear a clunk coming from Daidouji's desk. She slowly gets up. There's no way she can escape the criminalizing stares of our classmates.

"What exactly is going on Daidouji-san, explain yourself."

Our teacher turns her attention to Daidouji-san, who is profusely sweating and shaking. All she can do is bark back.

"This is some mistake! It's not me, someone used that handle to pretend to be me!"

"I have one more thing to hand out to everyone."


The next piece of paper I hand out has the icon of the erikachi account enlarged.

"On another account, daidouji_erika_0228, which has your real name, it shares the same shitty image."

"Tss... how how evidence do you have!?"

"Save your excuses, you think the teacher will listen? At the very least, my evidence is pretty credible. I have strong evidence to believe that this is Daidouji-san’s account. Feel free to investigate further."


"Teacher, having looked at all the evidence, do you really think Yukishiro-san bullied her?"


The teacher, who initially didn't give Yukishiro-san a chance and threatened to remove the outdoor classroom, retreated back, her face drained of blood.

"H-hey, I never definitively said Yukishiro-san was guilty. I just wanted to check everything out thoroughly, yeah..."

The teacher takes a step back, almost as if the deafening silence is pushing her back. No one cares about her either.

"Hey, don't glare at me like that! I was trying to do the best for the class."

I look at Yukishiro-san and she shakes her head at me. Seems like she has enough of the cycle of hate. To the bitter end, our teacher won't admit her faults. She completely destroyed her trust with us and having her around will only affect us negatively.

"I want to confirm one final thing."

"Wh-what is it?"

Her eyes look nervous and she laughs awkwardly.

"Will the outdoor classroom continue as planned?"

"W-well of course! With all that's happened, I'll talk to the vice-principal and principal to get it all straightened out. I'll go right now! Come with me too, Daidouji-san!"

The teacher quickly leaves with Daidouji-san and the atmosphere in our classroom instantly relaxes. Everyone shouts with joy.

"Alright! We got the outdoor classroom back!"

"Feels good after everything that happened!"

"It's all thanks to Ichinose-kun for digging up Daidouji's lies!"

"Hell yeah! We all owe Ichinose-kun a big one!"

In an instant, the once gloomy class became enraptured with mirth. Our original spirits are back.

"But holy shit, Daidouji's skype messages were the worst."

"She really is an evil sadistic bitch."

"Anyways, sorry Yukishiro-san. We said all those mean things to you even though we had no evidence."

"I'm sorry too. I can't believe I said it was Yukishiro-san's fault that we got the outdoor classroom suspended. I really am the worst..."

Everyone apologizes to Yukishiro-san. With everyone talking to, she really has become all flustered. Well, all's well that ends well. Now, no one will think of Yukishiro-san as bad anymore.

I'm lost in thought as Yukishiro-san approaches me.

"Ichinose-kun, thank you. You really are me saviour, my beacon of light."

Yukishiro-san blushes as she says that, her hair rocking back and forth.

Her smile really is the cutest thing. ______ Translator's Note: Wow lol.

Volume 1

Chapter 16

Chapter 18


  1. damn, that was satisfying to read, though her last line was a bit too cringe

  2. The thing I'm most pissed about is the teacher. How irresponsible can a person get.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. this story will have more than one yandere?

  5. translator kun i just started reading this today and read both this and forever and always my childhood friend... and god damn do i love your taste so could you recommend some novels to me

  6. "You really are me saviour"

    Haha. Pirate Yukishiro. Please don't fix this.

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen...We got her.

  8. I hope this bitch got bullied to the point where even her body forget to go through her period, she nearly destroyed someone's life because she was jealous


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